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  • What is a fungal infection in the thumbnail and what is the cause. Ask how we analyze the symptoms and determine the disease.
    14 March 2021
  • Onichomycosis is a common nail infection. Once you find the resemblance of your nails to the fungus shown in the photo, you should see a doctor.
    14 March 2021
  • Hydrogen peroxide for fungus of the toenails: is it possible to cure running of the infection? Special technique, favourite recipe, a combination of treatments, the patient feedback about the treatment.
    25 August 2019
  • Fungus on the skin of the feet is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which no one is immune. This article describes a treatment for foot fungus – medicines and folk.
    20 May 2019
  • How to cure nail fungus? In order to make quick and effective cure for foot fungus, you can use the medicines or folk remedies.
    25 April 2019
  • Fungus on the feet is a very nasty infectious disease that can not only spoil the look of the nail, but also lead to very serious consequences. The sooner the fungus is detected, and before a battle will start with him, the faster it will be restored
    7 April 2019