Hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus treatment, - methods of treatment

There are a lot of non-standard tools for the treatment of fungal infections: iodine solutions, garlic, Apple cider vinegar. A similar measure, and hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus: according to the estimates, this can be a medicine, even in advanced cases of the disease. Supporters of this method claim that it can kill the fungus, and only if, an antiseptic. Supporters of the traditional medicine, I prefer the narrow route, antifungal activity.

nail fungus

What is the fungus on your feet

The medical name of the disease – onychomycosis. It is called fungi-dermatophytes of the genus Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and less frequently the agents of microsporia (ringworm). A fungal infection of the nail plate – not a cosmetic defect, it is a serious disease, which has its own code according to the international classification of disease ICD-10. Onychomycosis may be aroused in some parts of the nail plate or the entire nail (and then, doctors say the combination). The currently accepted classification is in line with the look of the nail (on the internet, you can find the image):

  • normotroficheskie – the stripes, the dots, while maintaining a conventional shape and thickness of the nail;
  • hypertrophic plate grows outward, it changes color, losing shine, thickens, begins to crumble;
  • fungal – affected part of the die, and the rejection of his bed.

Onychomycosis, only to get infected, so it is very common: according to research, the disease is found in approximately 27% of the population of Europe. The route of transmission, public locker rooms, saunas, swimming pools. The older a person is, the greater the chance of infection. At risk are patients with psoriasis, and diabetes mellitus, these infections of the "shell" is much more likely.

The treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide

A fungal infection needs to be differentiated from non-fungal infection of the nail plate. This can be done by the dermatologist with the help of the analysis that takes place in hospitals and private laboratories. On the basis of which you can choose the right drug from a variety of resources designed to treat the fungus, by the pharmacy, and the national. A special attention deserves the treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide.

The normal antiseptic, which can be anyone of the surprise of the width of the spectrum. In addition to the treatment of a wound, it can be used for the disinfection of surfaces in house, teeth whitening, solution, ear plugs. Treatment for fungus in toe nails with hydrogen peroxide, perhaps due to its property of softening and separating from the healthy tissues of the nekrotizirovannye areas.

The Pot with the vinegar

For fungi, the destructive dynamic of an environment, which is why in many of the popular ones are running to lose treated with a solution of vinegar. There are a number of ways to use the vinegar and peroxide for nail fungus:

  1. A compress of diluted the same share of three-percent peroxide, and vinegar. A mixture with a characteristic smell of liberally-soaked cotton swab that is applied to the affected nail. Keep it pressed until the end of the hiss. Repeat every morning and every evening for a month.
  2. A Paste of vinegar and baking soda. You will need to take two tablespoons of baking soda and water and one of vinegar, and peroxide. Consequently, the paste should be applied on the affected nails within a day to 2 times and transfer around 15-20 minutes and then wash it off.
  3. Foot bath in vinegar and water, with the addition of the hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the peroxide and vinegar in one litre of hot water with two spoons. In such a bath for 15 minutes, twice a week, will prevent a recurrence.
a therapeutic bath with the peroxide

The treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakina

Ivan Pavlovich – doctor, author of several non-traditional methods for healing of the body, with the help of hydrogen peroxide. This is an antiseptic, is a Professor, is convinced that he is able to kill the pathogens in the intestinal flora, and for the treatment of serious systemic disease in humans. Using the peroxide in its own way, it is advised, internally and externally.

For the treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide, the author proposes to do any of the external applications. Steamed with hot soda solution (two tablespoons diluted in a liter of water) your nails should make a cotton swabs soaked in peroxide, allow to stand for 30 minutes. To repeat a day until it goes away on symptoms. According to some estimates, even a solid, that the running of the fungus on the lower limbs in this way, it is possible to cure.

A bath with hydrogen peroxide

The traditional medicine considers that the treatment of toe nail fungus using hydrogen peroxide as an adjuvant. It shows the technology built in to the treatment: first, the use of starch, it helps to soften the nail and then apply an antifungal drug. In a litre of warm water should be dissolved in 50 ml of it into the tray with the leg. The treatment lasts for a quarter of an hour. The nails are then cut and apply the prescribed by a doctor tool. The procedure does not cause discomfort. You can make a compress on the affected nails.

A bath with baking soda, salt, peroxide, and vinegar

Hydrogen peroxide vs nail fungus on the feet is used for the foot baths in conjunction with baking soda for softening, salt for extra disinfecting, vinegar to provide the acid environment that kills the fungus. The number of the recipe with the Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate is sold in the pharmacies). The ingredients you need to mix in equal proportions and dissolved in warm water. The main result of this bath is to be soft, but not a complete recovery from the fungus.

The prevention of re-infection

peroxide nail fungus treatment

Yes, the fungus has not returned, during the treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the disinfection of shoes and socks, and in the other case, it will be necessary to constantly fuel it. There are other simple rules that prevent a recurrence:

  • Wear the shoes according to size and season. Moreover, it is desirable to give preference to natural materials (leather, suede).
  • It is important to let the shoes dry out after use, if possible each and every day.
  • In the swimming pool, the sauna, the gym of the spores of the fungus will be to protect the particular rubber Shoes.
  • Pedicures and manicures should not be allowed to do so, if there is no trust to secure the disinfection of the instruments is in the oven.
  • Pat dry your feet after washing, the moisture in the interdigital intervals, which contributes to the spread of the infection.
  • To strengthen the overall immune system, and affect the susceptibility to the disease.