Fungal infections (mycoses) are among the dermatological diseases that are most common. Infection with the pathogen is possible in several ways, and minor symptoms of the disease in an early stage of their development, not all patients at the time makes you go to the doctor. The result of a pathological process covers the whole of the greater part of the extremities (most often the feet) and spreads deeper into the tissues. Running foot fungus is treatable, but in order to fully fight off the infection, sometimes it takes months of hard therapy.

Causes of foot fungus
Fungus develop as a result of penetration in the subcutaneous layers of the spores of pathogenic micro-organisms. Lose only the skin is called dermatomycoses, destruction of the nail plates under the influence of the fungus is onychomycosis.
Infection with the pathogen occurs in two ways – directly and indirectly. In the first case, the mold spores can remain in the ground on tiles, wooden surfaces. In the second infection is transmitted through personal items – washcloths, Slippers, towels, manicure instruments.
Fungal micro-organisms for a long time remain viable in warm, moist places, therefore, infection often occurs in swimming pools, on beaches, in bathhouses, gyms and saunas.
The risk for the penetration of the microorganism in the skin is greatly increased if the legs are hairline fractures – abrasions, scratches, blisters. Susceptibility to the fungus increased under the influence of predisposing disease factors:
- reduced physical resistance, it is not enough the immune system;
- if in accordance with hygiene norms;
- sweating;
- diseases of the endocrine system that occur with metabolic disorders. Fungal infections characteristic of patients with diabetes;
- violation of blood circulation in the lower limbs, which may be associated with vascular diseases or deformities of the feet;
- wearing tight, poorly ventilated shoes. Of the foot, that is, in such circumstances, constantly sweating, there are scuffs and abrasions, which is suitable for reproduction of the fungus of environment;
- age. Yeast infection is more common in children and the elderly, this category of patients, the skin is thin and its protective properties are reduced, which creates the conditions for the entry of infection.
- excessive dryness of the skin. Hydrated, the skin is on the surface of the fatty film, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic micro-organisms. For increased dryness such protection, which allows fungal spores to easily penetrate into the interior.
The probability of a fungal infection, is much greater when the body is exposed to several predisposing disease factors.
Types of fungus
Diseases depending on the type of fungus is classified in:
- the athlete's foot. Called flexible Trichophytonmcntagrophytes;
- in rubrofitii. Found in 70% of cases of athlete's foot.
Depending on the localization of pathologic process there are:
- fungal infection between the toes (dermatophytosis). This files most often in the form of intertriginous (acute) fungal infection;
- plantar athlete's foot. The main symptoms – exfoliation of the skin, which if the disease comes in actinic;
- the skin stop. Pathological process, which starts with the formation of lesions, which are similar, in the form of allergic manifestations;
- a deep form of mycosis. Infection affecting the superficial and deep layers of the skin stop;
- onychomycosis – fungal infections of the nail plate. Rarely happens, insulated, in most cases is a complication of plantar superficial mycoses.

The symptoms of the pathology
In the initial phase of the disease often occurs with delete characters. Appearance of scaly patches, slight redness and itching, that is often not taken seriously, and the use of various topical treatments of itching and inflammation reduces the symptoms, but the fungus does not die. This infection continues to evolve and gradually become chronic. Symptoms depend on the form of the disease and its duration.
- form interdigital mycosis characterized by the appearance of redness and burning sensation between the toes. Inflammatory process, infection, rarely extends beyond the interdigital spaces. As a rule, the symptoms disappear in the winter and in the summer period exacerbated;
- fungal infections occur with a scrub for the epidermis, and redness of certain areas of the foot. Occasionally, in severe itching;
- hyperkeratotic form. Characterized by the formation of watery papules or slabs of a blue color with a rough surface. Individual pockets and a merge, on the heels of the cracks;
- disgidroticheskaya form. The main characters – the emergence of a large number of watery vesicles, which eventually opened and in their place are wounds. In the advanced stage, this is a disease often confused with eczema.
- onychomycosis is manifested by a discoloration of the nail plate, the appearance on the dark or bright spots and stripes and the stratification of the nail and thickening of the.
With the onset of burning, redness, peeling, itching on the legs and should as soon as possible consult your doctor. In the early stage of the disease is simply treated by external means.
With suspected fungal infection, you should consult with a dermatologist. An experienced doctor on the basis of complaints from the patient and examination sets the diagnosis. But, to confirm and determine the type of pathogen the necessary laboratory tests. Their implementation, allows to set the type of the microorganism, which needs a proper treatment regime.
Drug treatment is chosen based on the stage of the disease, the patient's age, comorbidities, and complications. Treatment should be comprehensive, it consists in the use of external and systemic medications, traditional methods.
In addition, your doctor may prescribe multivitamin complexes, improving the immune system. In severe itching in the acute stage of the disease, to relieve irritation help antihistamines. When you join secondary infection requires treatment with antibiotics.
Fungus, you must remove and personal items. The first step is to treat the shoes with a disinfectant, and it is better to fully replace with a new one.
At detection of infection should not be forgotten that most likely infected with fungus and other members of the family. So to recover you need to use your personal hygiene items, towels and Slippers. Mold spores, are destroyed under high temperatures, so need to iron underwear and bed linens and even socks.
Local staff
Local antifungal agents-ointments, gels, emulsions and solutions. Cause external medications on the affected skin on the legs after the treatment. This is enough to do the foot bath with potassium permanganate, soda or soap. The procedure time is 15 minutes after the skin is dry and applied at a particular facility.
Onychomycosis before applying the ointment or solution is to remove the upper part of the affected nail. The nail plate is softened using a special keratolytic remedies. If this is not done, then the ingredients of the ointments will not fall into the lower layers of the nail, i.e., where the growing fungal colonies.
With the defeat of the nail system of the fungus is sometimes required to drink for 12 months or more. Arrangement of medicines for the patient, as prescribed by the doctor.

Folk remedies
How to get rid of foot fungus at home? You need to know to use all kinds of "grandma's recipes" as the main therapy ensures that the infection is subsiding but not completely disappear. This leads to the fact that the fungus over time the re-aktiviziruyutsya. Both traditional antifungal agents should be combined with treatment with medications.
To defeat a fungal infection you can stop using the trays, preparation of ointments, rubbing.
- antifungal properties of the bath with the salt, soda and soap. 5 liters of hot water that you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt and soda, RUB in a solution of a quarter piece of soap. In this water foot stand half an hour, then dried and applied to the skin and nail antifungal medication;
- interdigital spaces and fungal lesions on the feet can be greased with birch tar. The procedure is best done at night, on your feet wear clean socks;
- Apple cider vinegar is to be mixed with the same amount of alcoholic solution of iodine. In the resulting liquid moisten a swab and lubricate them well, the affected areas of the legs;
- the garlic oil. Garlic cloves should be crushed into pulp and combine with butter or pork fat. Consequently, the ointment is used to treat stop.
Fungus treatment on legs folk ways for a few weeks in a row. It is desirable to periodically change the asset, it will increase the efficiency of the therapy.
Prevention of infection
In order to prevent infection, it is not always possible. But you can reduce the risk of infection fungal pathogens to a minimum. You must comply with the following rules.
- In public places where need indoor shoes that are only his.
- Do not use other people's personal hygiene items.
- Formed on the legs, abrasions, calluses and abrasions treated immediately.
- Wear only high-quality, well-ventilated place.
- Always observe the rules of hygiene.
The likelihood of any infection is reduced, when the good work of the immune system. To improve the condition of the protective forces assists rational nutrition, vitamin therapy, hardening of the. You need and treatment of all chronic diseases.
Nail fungus is not dangerous, but very unpleasant in its manifestations and consequences of the pathology. For infection control with the help of modern pharmaceutical drugs can be just a few days, but under one condition – timely treatment to the doctor.